Florist’s choice!


Each and every design is one-of-a-kind, created by our florists using the freshest stems available on the day so, whilst your gift will look different to the one pictured, it’ll still be just as lovely!
Is there anything else you would like the florist to know about your gift? Please fill the rectangle section at the Checkout. For example: Don’t include oriental lilies, my fiancé loves white roses, etc.

3 people are viewing this right now
Estimated Delivery:
23 - 24 Feb, 2025


Experience the magic of our ‘Surprise Me’ offering – a custom, artisanal creation that beautifully captures the spirit of our Florist’s Choice collection. Embrace the unforeseen and allow our talented florists to craft a delightful surprise tailored just for you or your cherished recipients. Is there anything else you would like the florist to know about your gift? Please fill the comment section at the Checkout. For example: Don’t include oriental lilies, my fiancé loves white roses, etc.

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